In Ontario, turtles are on the move from April through to October.
In April, turtle season begins when the turtles emerge from brumation (hibernation). The seasonal shift from winter to spring varies yearly, depending on the temperatures and weather patterns. The one constant is that turtle road crossings are soon to follow, and last year's hatchlings that stayed in their nest over the winter (overwintering) will begin to exit their nests. Little overwintered turtles are more inclined to show up later in April and May. Once spring-like weather sets in, expect to see turtles on and near the roads and ATV trails.
If you stop to assist a turtle across the road or retrieve an injured turtle from the road, it is imperative that you make 'SAFETY YOUR #1 PRIORITY!' Every time you stop to help a turtle, please ensure your own safety, the safety of any passengers with you, and the safety of the other motorists on the roads.
Pull off the road and onto the shoulder as far as possible and put on your hazard lights. Do not stop your vehicle in the middle of a road lane and exit your vehicle. If there is no shoulder, drive until you find one and safely double back on foot.
A safety vest is highly recommended for your vehicle at all times. Wearing one while assisting a turtle across the road will increase your visibility. For your sake and their sake, please wear gloves when helping a turtle. If you do not wear gloves, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after handling a turtle.
Always move the turtle in the direction it is headed, even if it makes no sense to you. If you turn the turtle around, it will return to the road again, heading to the designation they originally intended. This may harm the turtle a second time, and we don't want that. After assisting the turtle off the road, maintain the path the turtle was on by placing the turtle at least 30 feet from the road (not on the road shoulder) in the direction they were headed, so if especially stressed by the experience, the turtle does not end up back on the road moments later.
Do not relocate a turtle to your idea of a 'better place'. Turtles have small home territories and are located where they are because the area suits their seasonal habitat needs. They should be left in the area where they are found; their survival depends on it.
It is always best and less stressful for a turtle if they can cross the road unassisted. If there is no oncoming traffic, let the turtle cross the road without help. Observe from a distance. Avoid sudden movements that may alarm the turtle and cause it to change direction, stop, or seek shelter within their shell.
We hope you will find the following information helpful if an unassisted turtle road crossing is impossible.
Although your intentions may be well-meaning, if you are uncomfortable with a hands-on approach to assisting medium—to larger-sized turtles across the road, please refrain from attempting this to avoid possible harm to yourself and the turtle.
Dropping a turtle from even a short distance can cause injury. Please keep in mind that from mid-May to mid-July, many turtles crossing roads are egg-laden females looking for appropriate nesting sites. June is the peak month for nesting.
Hatchlings & Small Sized Turtles (All Species)
When assisting a hatchling or small turtle out of harm's way, you can gently pick up the turtle with a finger and thumb. Hatchlings have soft shells, so do not grasp too firmly. Place your thumb on the rear of the shell and your forefinger underneath, between the rear legs. Avoid excessive handling, as this can disrupt their normal behavior.
Juvenile & Medium-Sized Turtles
As tiny turtles grow and gain some size, keep your fingers away from their faces, as they are capable of causing a small flesh wound if they bite you. Pick up a juvenile to medium-sized turtle by grasping the shell edge near the mid-point of the body with two hands, like you would a hamburger. Your grip should be gentle but firm so you do not drop the turtle. They tend to wiggle around at times as a reaction to not being handled.
Note: All turtles have longer necks than perhaps realized and are capable of biting if a person puts their hands, arms, or other fleshy parts near the turtle's face. Some turtles will hiss as well, again as a sign of not wanting to be handled.
Snapping Turtles
Special care is required when assisting a snapping turtle across the road. These turtles may be as much as 19 inches long, weigh up to 36 pounds, and have powerful legs and jaws. To safely handle a large snapping turtle, 'AVOID' the front half of the turtle's body. Be sure that your hands and arms are always beyond the reach of the snapping turtle's long neck.
There are many ways to assist a snapping turtle across the road physically. The best way is a personal choice and depends on two factors: the comfort level of the person looking to help the turtle and the size of the snapping turtle.
(A) Grasping Back of the Shell—Approach the turtle from behind. Avoid loud noises or bumping the turtle before picking it up. Wearing gloves is recommended, as they provide additional protection and a better grip. It is important that your movement and actions be careful and swift. Lingering and hovering near or over a snapping turtle will unintentionally cause undue stress and give it more time to become difficult.
Ensure your hands are behind the turtle's back legs and you have a good grip before lifting the snapping turtle. The shell (carapace) may be slimy from algae growth and the water.
Lift the turtle off the road and move safely and quickly, keeping the turtle as low to the ground as possible to prevent serious injury if you drop the turtle. Be prepared for the turtle to snap and move their legs while in your grip. Keep the turtle's head pointed away from your body because their neck is long and flexible, and hold the turtle as far away from your body as you can while moving the turtle. Some turtles empty their bladder when lifted off the ground, so be careful not to drop the turtle if this suddenly occurs.
Place the turtle on the ground gently. Step back quickly once you release your grip from the turtle's shell. Snapping turtles often spin around to face their predator, snapping, pinging, and bouncing in a lunging motion. Leave the turtle alone to recover from being handled.
(B) Towel Over Back of the Shell – This is our preferred method for assisting a turtle across the road. It is the same as described in (A), but we use a towel instead of gloves. Approach the turtle from behind. Quickly place a towel over the back section of the snapping turtle's shell and grasp the turtle by the back of the shell, with one hand on each side. The towel allows for an excellent grip and helps to contain the turtle's back legs, reducing the risk of getting scratched by the turtle's long, sharp claws. Note: Photo B is a good representation of this method, but placing your hands closer to the back of the shell is advised. This is the best photo we presently have for this method.
(C) Pizza Tray Method: -While wearing gloves, approach the turtle from behind. Place one hand on the base of the turtle's tail to help stabilize and secure it, and slide the other hand halfway under the turtle's shell.
(D) Car Mat Method—Use a floor mat from your car (or any other handy flat, thin object such as cardboard) and carefully drag the turtle onto it. You can slide the turtle in its direction using a car mat or by putting something under it. Then, drag the mat and turtle across the road, keeping your hand on the back of the turtle's shell. Using a car mat can be a good way to help the turtles across without actually picking them up.
(E) Wheelbarrow Method – Imitating the action of tilting a wheelbarrow up firmly, approaching the turtle from behind, and grasping the back of the turtle's shell near the back legs. Lift the rear end of the turtle up and walk the turtle forward. In most cases, the turtle will move forward on its front legs. If the turtle does not help, you may need to drag the turtle across the road carefully. We are not a fan of this method, being concerned that the paved road may cause abrasions to the fleshy parts of the turtle. If the turtle cooperates, it is a method that works well.
Assisting a snapping turtle is entirely possible without actually touching the turtle.
The most popular non-handling method for assisting a snapping turtle across the road is a shovel. Many people travel with a shovel in their vehicle during turtle season. People use various shovels, but plastic 'snow shovels' are often the shovels of choice because of their size and construction.
(F) Shovel To Scoop—Depending on the size of the turtle, a shovel can be used to gently scoop the turtle off the road and carry him/her across the road in the direction the turtle was headed. It is very important that the shovel is not raised too high off the ground and that it is big enough to contain the turtle so it does not fall out and sustain an injury. For this reason, snow shovels are more commonly used.
(G) Shovel To Guide – The second way a snow shovel can be used is by standing behind the turtle and using it to coax and help negotiate the turtle across the road carefully.
(H) Up Close Monitored Crossing—Some people prefer not to handle turtles, and that is, of course, understood. If it is safe for you to do so, sometimes just standing behind a turtle on the road is enough to prompt them to pick up their pace and proceed across the road. This can sometimes cause a turtle to become startled and veer off the path they were headed. If possible, try not to get too close. Wearing a safety vest is important when near or on the road.
(I) Road Shoulder – Another method used to assist a turtle across a road is to do so from the road shoulder with a safety vest on and alert oncoming motorists to the fact that there is a turtle on the road. This may involve pointing, waving your arms, or a brightly colored item. Doing so may even prompt a passerby who is more comfortable handling snapping turtles to safety and pull off the road to assist the turtle across the road. There has been a significant increase in awareness of the challenges the turtles face, and it is not uncommon for concerned citizens to stop and safely assist a turtle across the road.
(J) Old Timer Crossing – If you encounter a large old snapping turtle, it is best to safely clear the way for the turtle and alert oncoming traffic. Please wear a safety vest to ensure you are visible! The turtle may take a while to complete the journey across the road. Most oncoming traffic will be sensitive to this and excited to see such a treasured and wonderful sight. These days, in such circumstances, another person may stop to alert oncoming traffic.
When it comes to assisting turtles across the road, some people have been known to use whatever is at hand for unexpected turtle encounters. Alternative items have included tarps, rugs, small sheets of plywood, kid's winter flying carpet, wagons, police escorts, etc., to safely assist a turtle across the road and keep all parties concerned safe.
Clamp-On Dragging - A method that has been used in the past and should "not" be used, as advised by the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre (turtle hospital), is offering a snapping turtle a branch, golf club, hockey stick, broom handle, ratchet strap, piece of rope, etc. with the expectation the snapping turtle will clamp down on the item placed in front of their mouth. Followed by a person dragging the snapping turtle across the road. This method has resulted in unfortunate injuries to turtles over the years due to people accidentally pulling with too much force or the turtle causing an injury to itself. This method can accidentally cause ligament injury, a fractured or dislocated neck, which can be mild to severe spinal cord injury, in any case resulting in severe pain and other serious symptoms that can be fatal to a turtle. Thankfully, we now know about the risks of using this method and why it should not be used.
Picking Up By Tail - A turtle should "never" be picked up by the tail because it is fused to their spine. Handling a turtle in this manner has the potential to dislocate its spine, which can result in paralyzation and a slow, painful death.
Help spread the word so people understand to refrain from using these methods when handling turtles.
Many videos are available online to view on assisting turtles across the road, each offering a demonstration and pointers. For people new to helping turtles, you need to know that the snapping turtles often used in videos appear passive. These are 'teaching turtles used by conservation organizations with permits for turtles to be used in such ways for educational purposes. These turtles are used to being handled a lot by their permit holders and often appear calm and passive in videos. In the wild, a snapping turtle you encounter on the road may appear passive at first, but once you approach the turtle to assist them, they will snap, swing around to face you, and lunge in your direction. This behavior can make them appear aggressive. The snapping turtle is not looking to attack you. The turtle is looking to protect itself. It is worth noting that when we approach a turtle in the wild for any reason, even if well intended to assist the turtle across a road, we know we are there to help the turtle; they do not know this and perceive us as a large menacing predator. As such, they understandably revert to 'self-preservation' mode.
Helping A Turtle Across The Road (Graphic)
How To Help A Snapping Turtle Across The Road (Video)
The lengths some people have gone to help turtles across the road are genuinely remarkable. Many turtles have been saved because of these kinds of acts. Over the years, we have heard some exciting accounts, some of which are comical. Thank you for looking out for the turtles and doing what you do to help protect this most vulnerable species at risk.
If you have any questions or concerns about a turtle or nest, please phone or text Think Turtle Conservation Initiative at 647-606-9537 when you are with the turtle or nest. For additional information about helping turtles, we have a variety of platforms for you to choose from—check out our other web pages at, follow us on Facebook, or read our WordPress Blog posts at
Thank you for being a friend to the turtles and helping protect Ontario's species at risk, and their habitat.
Blanding's turtle assisted across the road.
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